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The Babylonian Captivity

Centre Place

The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Solomon’s Temple in 587 BCE ended the First Temple Period of ancient Israelite religion. The prophet Jeremiah and remnants of the army fled to Egypt, while the royal family and members of the nobility were taken captive in Babylon. That enforced exile continued until the Persian Empire conquered the Babylonians in 539 BCE and allowed the exiles to return to rebuild Jerusalem (under Persian rule). John Hamer of Toronto Centre Place will explore this period, which saw the beginnings of diaspora Judaism and its many lasting legacies including its impact on the development of the Bible.

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Other topics covered in this lecture include:
Second Temple Judaism
NeoBabylonian Empire
Nebuchadnezzar II
Diaspora Judaism
Elephantine Jewish Community
Babylonian Exile
Deportation in the ancient world
People of the land
Lost Tribes

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