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The CEO wanted to send his ex-wife’s son to jail but it turned out to be his biological son!


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功成名就的王光耀如今是环球成衣企业董事长他事业有成家境优渥儿女和顺。今天他又召集四方亲朋大摆乔迁宴谁知两名不速之客让这场宴席尴尬非常且火光四溅。来者名叫黄崇明身后跟着他的妈妈黄玉梅。崇明自称是王光耀的儿子执意要让对方认下自己。王家的长子王绍华李宗翰 饰风华正茂他当下正准备接下父亲的生意。其妻子林敏君张咏琪 饰美丽温柔此外她还有另外一个身份那就是崇德的青梅竹马。加上方宝莲从中作梗绍华、敏君、崇明陷入了一场三角虐恋之中。

Wang Guangyao, chairman of a wellknown fashion company, is enjoying a housewarming party with his family. Unexpectedly, a casual visitor, Huang Chongming, who claims to be Wang Guangyao's son, stirs great disturbance, especially when he is the exboyfriend of Minjun, Wang’s eldest daughterinlaw.In the face of accusations and doubts from family members, Minjun endures great humiliation and bears a heavy burden. She makes great efforts to bring about the marriage between her best friend, Baolian and Chongming. However, after Baolian finds out that her husband still loves her best friend, she collaborates with Wang's competitor to push Wang’s enterprise to the edge of bankruptcy. Meanwhile, Wang Shaokang, Wang’s second son, who believes his wife is dead, is addicted to alcohol every day and finally becomes blind.
Encountering all the troubles inside and outside the Wang Family, could Minjun shoulder the burden and bring Wang’s enterprise back to life? Could she clear up all the misunderstandings and reunite the Wang Family?

posted by chancelonnp