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The Euphrates River Conflict Drying and the Mountain of Gold Revealed


So another one that I found interesting is the Euphrates River So the Hadith doesn't specifically say it's going to dry it says it will reveal a mountain of gold which indicates it drying And I'll come back to that in a second But right now syria syria iraq turkey and iran are all in conflict over the euphrates river most people don't know that most people don't know that they've been in conflict since like the sixties So now think about it We know it's drying up We know it's drying up the Iraqi ministry they're saying that it'll be fully dry by 20 40 Now what I mentioned earlier it doesn't have to be fully dried for the mountain of gold to appear Even according to the hadith it just says that it'll reveal it they're already in desperate times Half these countries are war torn right Of course if the water supply is done and there's gold the people are gonna fight over it And it's so profound because at this time in the life of the Prophet these lands weren't Muslim lands So What does he say at the end of the hadith He says if any of you see it basically don't fight Don't take anything from it He's not commanding the Christians and the pagans Muslims Muslims So it's so deep but that I mean if you look at the prophecies that have come true they're undeniable right Even if you look at Constantinople which is Istanbul today The Rasulullah told us we're gonna be victorious or we're gonna take it right Now that didn't happen for generations Muhammad AlFatih's time is way later right Of course others they tried in that time and you know all that But you know if he had said for example you know Tibet for example right You know you could be like hey that never happened right But Alhamdulillah it happened And you know when the Prophet talked about you know the prophecy of being victorious over the Persians and Romans and taking Constantinople you know this was during Khandaq And at Khandaq Muslims were at the verge of being wiped out The Battle of Khandaq people don't realize the importance of it because all these Arabian tribes of the Mushrikeen had come together and the idea was to attack Medina and genocide finish off the Muslims It wasn't like Badr it wasn't something like Tabuk This was supposed to be the end of Muslims And the Muslims were financially hurting And that's why the famous you know narration to the about tying rocks to stomach and so on from hunger

posted by keithli526n1