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The Geometry of 12 u0026 13 notes (together) | 432Hz octave


Syncing geometry with audio is one of the most powerful tools and practices to get inner coherence.
Just as cymatics, an Oscilloscope makes sound visible, but instead of water as a medium, an electron/light beam is used.
It is known that basically 99.9% of reality is empty space, but, having electrons running so fast make an illusion of shapes and forms (such as in an oscilloscope).
In this SonoGeometry video we can see the geometry used by the interaction of a 12 notes scale & a 13 note scale (simultaneously).
The root frequency is 216Hz (one octave down of 432Hz).
This particular SonoGeometry helps increasing the ability of Self Control aka SelfDiscipline.
As said in other posts (   / 779363429462628   ) the only fundamental difference from 12 & 13 is that 13 is center inclusive. Think of the dodecahedron, ether element (geometry of the DNA fold); it has 12 faces & the center is the 13. As well
as the Icosahedron, 12 vertecies, and the center is the 13.
The Icosa Dodeca are two platonic solid with the Golden Ratio aka Phi inherent on them. They are one of the best geometries for Spacetime travel due to their high level of energy movement (due to its Golden Ratio fractality); getting things done is no more than a timespace travel done willingly.

Keeping the order, 12, 13, then we have 14.
14 = number of Sides on the Cuboctahedron aka Vector Equilibrium. The geometry that holds physical reality together (see more at Nassim Haramein's work).

On this video I have not included a 14 note scale (I soon will materialize one tho), but the 14 is present through the time the light beam takes to deappear. This is similar to the frames per second in a video, but in this case it is measured in ms.
432Hz x 1000 = 432,000ms
432,000ms x Phi^14 = 512.456 ms
512.456 is the time used in one of the two layers used on this video.
The geometries are very entropic 99.9% of the times and, causidentaly, using this specific Phi^14, the geometries gotten are beautifully harmonic.

The other layer is just 10 ms. At this range geometries are pretty stable.

I hope you enjoy.

Feed backs are welcome.

posted by Siwolofu3z