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The guests were delighted! Tasty just like in a restaurant. Just wrap the meat in a roll.

Easy & Delicious Recipes

⚠ NOTE! ✔ Turn on SUBTITLES. In this video the recipe and description will be translated into your native language.
Enjoy watching!
To surprise your guests, you only need a couple of ingredients and a little time. The result is always perfect.
Our guests liked this recipe so much that I will cook this meat more often. Cooking such meat is very fast; in just 20 minutes you will have a restaurantquality dish for dinner. We will use pork tenderloin. When prepared this way, it turns out juicy and aromatic. Amazingly delicious!
Cook with love!

1 pork fillet (about 800g)
0.3 lb Dried bacon (about 150 gr)
34 pieces of prunes
sprig of rosemary
1 tsp whole grain mustard
1 tbsp sweet chili sauce
3 teaspoons soy sauce
salt, pepper to taste
wooden skewers

Bon appetit!

posted by jhonnypunkerb2