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The Hills Are Alive- The Sound of Music (1965)

The Vintage Era

Here are the Von Trapp kids and Captain Von Trapp,(Christopher Plummer), singing “The Hills Are Alive” in THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1965). When I tell you guys this scene gets me every time, I mean it. There’s just so much meaning behind it and it’s such a beautiful scene. It will never NOT make me cry. •

#thesoundofmusic #thehillsarealive #christopherplummer #captianvontrapp #vontrapp #vontrappfamily #julieandrews #1965 #1960s #oscarandhammerstein #oscar #hammerstein #beautiful #goldenageofhollywood #goldenera #classicfan #classic #oldhollywood #vintage #era

posted by omgitsxavgi