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The HORRORS of the Anti-Force and Other Space [Star Wars Lore Explained]

Vaders Fortress 2

Greetings, my astute Sith apprentices, and welcome back to Vader’s Fortress. Today, as we tread further into the depths of the Force, we confront a revelation so profound and unsettling, it challenges the very fabric of our understanding. This discovery extends far beyond the familiar confines of our Galaxy, venturing into an enigmatic realm known as Other Space, an existence parallel to our own universe. Within this realm, we encounter phenomena and beings of an extraordinary nature, alien to all we know and understand.

Among these extraordinary discoveries is a concept that even Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker, with his extensive knowledge and experience, has struggled to comprehend. He refers to it as the "antiforce," a term that seems to invert everything we know about the Force, proposing an existence of energies and principles in stark contrast to those we have studied and mastered.

But before we delve deeper into these mysteries, let me remind you, my apprentice, of the importance of your allegiance to our order. Demonstrate your commitment and strength by exerting your power to force crush the subscribe button. This simple act ensures that you will continue to receive our regular transmissions of knowledge, the holocrons, essential to your journey towards absolute power.

Now, let us focus on our exploration of Other Space, starting with a being known as Waru. Waru's appearance is nothing short of grotesque—an amorphous, oozing entity, its form both repulsive and mesmerizing. It is adorned with golden plates that act as a form of armor, shielding a layer of flesh that appears vulnerable yet teems with unknown energies. Beneath this armor flows a thick, syrupy liquid, a striking symbol of its alien origins and the mysteries it holds.

In the eyes of less advanced cultures, Waru is revered almost as a deity, a healer with powers that defy explanation. Utilizing its own bizarre physiology and life energies, Waru can mend wounds in ways that bewilder even the most skilled Force healers. Its abilities in the art of healing are so profound, they left even Luke Skywalker in a state of astonishment. Waru's powers, it seems, lie beyond the reach of the Force as we know it.

An intriguing aspect of Waru, however, is its apparent invisibility to the Force. Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Grand Master profoundly attuned to the Force, found himself unable to sense Waru's presence. This indicates that Waru's nature is not just foreign, but perhaps antithetical to the Force. It raises a plethora of questions: What is the true nature of Waru? How does its existence challenge our understanding of the Force? And most importantly, can his power be harnessed for malign purposes?

But Beneath the guise of a healer lies a far more sinister essence, one that thrives on a chilling cycle of rejuvenation and sacrifice.

When healing his patients, he required a blood sacrafice in order to replientish his mife energies

Waru, it seems, is not just an anomaly but a harbinger of a profound and disturbing truth about the very fabric of reality. This is because Waru does not draw upon the force for his power, but its malignant twin, the antiforce from a realm known as otherspace

In the twisted echo of our universe, known as Other Space, we find a realm that defies all conventional understanding. Imagine a universe where the normal laws of physics are distorted, a place shrouded in a tempestuous gray void. Here, nebulae swirl with hues beyond our visual spectrum, and stars exist as paradoxes – dark yet luminous voids that challenge our comprehension. This perverse mirror of our reality harbors planets, among them the homeworld of the Cheron, a race of arachnid humanoids whose very existence is as formidable as it is alien.

The Cheron's world, constantly tormented by the inexorable pull of a black hole, a frequent and ominous feature in the bizarre landscape of Other Space, instilled in them a profound existential dread. This dread gave rise to a deathworshipping cult, a faction consumed by the nihilistic belief that all life is a blasphemy, including their own. This cult, driven by a dark and twisted ideology, viewed it as their sacred mission to hasten all existence towards the inescapable embrace of death.

In a display of fanatical devotion, the Cheron cult annihilated those among their kind who did not share their beliefs, purifying their planet of sentient life in a brutal purge. However, their mission of annihilation did not cease with the extinction of their own kind. Having conquered the secrets of interstellar travel, they embarked upon a sinister crusade across the stars. This unholy mission, aimed at cleansing the universe of what they deemed the abomination of life, left behind a trail of desolate worlds, devoid of life. The Cheron, in their starships.

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posted by Wambatonarv