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The HORRORS Of The UNKNOWN REGIONS | Star Wars Explained

Vaders Fortress 2

The enigmatic expanse known as the Unknown Regions has long captivated the imaginations of explorers and scholars throughout the galaxy. Situated on the fringes of known space, these regions have remained a vast and uncharted territory cloaked in mystery and danger, even 25,000 years after the widespread colonization that preceded the Clone Wars

Several theories have attempted to explain why the Unknown Regions have largely resisted exploration and mapping. A prominent hypothesis suggested that a dense cluster of dark matter intersected the galaxy in this area. This dark matter, it was theorized, caused gravitational anomalies known as the tangle that severely complicated navigation. These gravitational phenomena may not be entirely natural either. An intriguing proposition holds that this barrier was an intentional construction by an ancient and powerful civilization known as the Celestials. This theory holds considerable weight, as the Unknown Regions is the dwelling place of numerous dark entities and malevolent creatures that pose a significant threat to the wider galaxy. Among these ominous beings are the MangallMgnall, the droid creations of the Iokath, and the mysterious star werids.

In today's holocron entry, we delve deeper into the reasons why travel to the Unknown Regions is advised against. Join us as we venture into one of the galaxy's most perplexing and dangerous frontiers, exploring the strange and nightmarish creatures contained within this mysterious region

At the top of the list of disturbing phenomena in the Unknown Regions is MnggalMnggal, a being whose very nature and origins are shrouded in profound mystery. MnggalMnggal is so unique that it defies comparison even with the extensive species catalogs of institutions like the University of Sanbra. Some, including the Chiss, believe it to be of extradimensional origin, drawing parallels to other enigmatic entities such as Waru. According to its own accounts, MnggalMnggal is ancient enough to have existed alongside the Celestials and witnessed their sudden departure from the galaxy. Some speculate that the hyperspace anomaly bisecting the galaxy, which separates the densely populated galactic disk from the Unknown Regions, might have been created by the Celestials, possibly as a defensive measure against the malevolent and infectious nature of MnggalMnggal.

MnggalMnggal itself is a being composed entirely of a thick, gray ooze. It possesses remarkable mobility and the ability to shapeshift into various forms. Although it cannot create complex disguises like the Shi'ido species, its shapeshifting abilities are nonetheless versatile and formidable. MnggalMnggal can form pseudopods and eyestalks to explore or interact with its surroundings, and it can transform into more menacing shapes, such as a fanged mouth, to attack. It also has the ability to break apart its mass, spreading itself in wormlike forms or even taking to the air by forming batlike creatures.

The most deadly aspect of MnggalMnggal, however, is its method of infecting and controlling sentient beings. It prefers sentient hosts and can quickly take over a victim once they encounter a pool of MnggalMnggal. The entity's body explodes outward, showering the victim with droplets that seek entry through the mouth, nostrils, or even pores. Once inside, MnggalMnggal consumes the victim's brain and internal organs, effectively killing the host within twentyfour hours while using the body as a vessel for its own expansion.

But taking over the body of its victim wasn’t its main goal. The MnggalMnggal found a perverse joy in the torment and consumption of sentient beings and seemed to derive a twisted nourishment not just from the physical substance of its victims but also so from their agony and despair. As it slowly digested its victim, it would orchestrate nightmarish scenarios, each more cruel and heartwrenching than the last. In one such horrific act, it repeatedly reunited a bereaved mother with the reanimated remains of her young child, a twisted cycle of hope and despair that played out over and over.

Some, under its influence, found themselves opening the airlocks of their spacecraft, exposing themselves to the merciless vacuum of space. Others were tricked into deactivating critical defenses like perimeter fences, leaving their communities vulnerable to attack.

Here at Vader’s Fortress, we believe it is possible that the MnggalMnggal's could have had a connection to the Force. Perhaps it was attuned to the dark side, drawing power from the fear and suffering it inflicted. Ot alternatively, given its supposed extradimentional origin, it may be linked to an even more obscure and terrifying antiForce, a concept we explored in more depth in last weeks video.

posted by Wambatonarv