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The language with the most sounds in the world - !Xóõ

imshawn getoffmylawn

Special thanks to UCLA Phonetics Lab!


Main studies:
Christfried Naumann. The phoneme inventory of Taa (West !Xoon dialect). MaxPlanckInstitut für evolutionäre Anthropologie Leipzig & Universität Leipzig. 2013
Roland Kießling. Noun classification in !Xoon. Hamburg. 2008
Christfried Naumann. A preliminary classification of Taa dialects. 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHLXX). Humboldt University Berlin; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig.
Christfried Naumann. High and low tone in Taa (!Xóõ). 2008

Other studies:
Lee J. Pratchett. Anthony Traill (edited by Hirosi Nakagawa and Andy Chebanne), A trilingual !Xóõ dictionary: !Xóõ – English – Setswana. 2018
Catherine T. Best, Anthony Traill, Allyson Carter, K. David Harrison, and Alice Faber. !Xóõ click perception by English, Isizulu, and Sesotho listeners. 2003
Alena WitzlackMakarevich and Hirosi Nakagawa. Linguistic features and typologies in languages commonly referred to as ‘Khoisan’. 2017
Christfried Naumann. Vowels of Taa (West !Xoon) and their acoustic properties (Presentation). HumboldtUniversitat zu Berlin. 2013

Interesting articles/other stuff:
DOBES Documentation of Taa Language.
Clicks and Voice Quality in !Xóõ samples. (LMU of Munich)
Xoa ke Taa ǂAan !Xuun ǀa ǂxanya A Primer for Writing Taa West !Xoon version. 2015. Christfried Naumann & Many others. (Illustrations by Stefanus Kuwi Geinǂamseb and Johannes ǁXau Kundeb)
The Economist. We went in search of the world’s hardest language. 2016.
Anthony Traill. A !Xóõ DICTIONARY. Köln. 1994.


00:00 Introduction
01:20 Classification
03:44 People
05:57 Vowels
08:45 Consonants Types
10:44 Consonants (Clicks)
12:24 Consonants (Other Properties)
13:44 Consonant IPA Chart
15:10 Consonant Clusters
17:23 Consonants Summary & Thoughts
18:46 Grammar (Word Order, Gender & Examples)
25:20 Anthony Traill The GOAT Researcher
28:10 Conclusion
28:51 Shawn reads in !Xóõ

#!xoo #language #languages #namibia #botswana #click

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