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The Man Who Took 115 Souls - Scariest Soldier of the Vietnam War

Dark Docs

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Under the sweltering Vietnamese sun, bad boy Sergeant Joe Hooper and the rest of the motley bunch of outsiders who made up the US Infantry company known as the Delta Raiders cautiously approached a river deep in the heart of the torrid jungle on the hunt for their Communist enemy. Suddenly, a deafening hail of screaming rockets and staccato machine gun fire coming from the opposite shore let them know that they had found them. Diving for cover among the tangled undergrowth, Squad Leader Hooper’s voice pierced through the cacophony as he rallied a handful of his most fearless troops for a daring assault on the North Vietnamese Army bunkers, charging as fast as they could through the river’s chestdeep waters to engage their opponents in a frenzied firefight.

Amidst the raging chaos of battle, the intrepid Hooper and his men successfully took out the first bunker, then another, and another, until five bunkers had been laid to waste. Emboldened by Hooper’s success, the rest of Delta Company surged forward to join the fray, only to be met by a ferocious storm of North Vietnamese bullets, which would send several members of the company falling to the jungle floor in agony. Witnessing the carnage as he continued his attack, Sergeant Hooper knew what he had to do. He may have been labeled a troublemaker and a miscreant, but he wasn’t a coward, and he certainly wasn’t going to abandon his wounded comrades to their fate.

The North Vietnamese were pulling no punches with their intense onslaught. With a complete disregard for his own life, he ventured once more into the inferno of enemy fire, determined to save as many American soldiers as he could, no matter the cost.

As images and footage of actual events are not always available, Dark Docs sometimes utilizes similar historical images and footage for dramatic effect. I do my best to keep it as visually accurate as possible. All content on Dark Docs is researched, produced, and presented in historical context for educational purposes. We are history enthusiasts and are not always experts in some areas, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us with corrections, additional information, or new ideas.

posted by tegenzitit