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The Night King could never win at Winterfell in Game of Thrones

xix xeaon

There's just no way the Night King could ever win the Battle of Winterfell. The Northerners, Unsullied, Dothraki, Free Folk and all of our Heroes would certainly defeat the army of the dead. I'll give you 8 reasons why the whole army of ice zombies would be destroyed if only the humans didn't have their hands tied behind their backs by the showrunners.

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0:00 Intro
0:39 #8 The Plan
1:44 #7 Light
2:14 #6 The Dothraki
3:02 #5 Command and Communication
3:49 #4 The Dragon
4:15 #3 A Plan for the Dead
5:01 #2 Archers
5:37 #1 Obsidian

posted by ansimanteyj