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Neural Academy

The penis is an external genital organ that’s very
Useful for male systems reproductive and urinary.
The penis is divided into three parts the root, body, glans,
The root’s not seen externally, the internal portion it spans!

Within the pelvic floor’s superficial perineal pouch it’s fixed
It is surrounded by muscles with erectile tissue betwixt!
Erectile tissues crura and the bulb, are in muscle ensnared
By ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus paired!

The bulbospogiosus muscles with the bulb associate,
Contract to leave urethra spongy tissue in an emptied state,
And these muscles contract during orgasm and ejaculation great!

The ischiocavernosus associates with the crura,
Contracts to force blood from the crura’s cavernous spaces, voila!
This blood goes into the corpora cavernosa where it adds,
Some rigidity to an erection, so that the member stands!

The penis body is suspended from the pubic symphysis,
And there are 3 columns of erectile tissue in the penis!

You’ll find extending distally from the hidden root’s two crura,
Are two erectile columns called the corpora cavernosa!
Meanwhile, extending from the bulb is the corpus spongiosum,
Which contains the urethra through which urine or semen can come!

The corpus spongiosum fills with less blood during erection,
So the urethra is not occluded once the action’s begun!
Know the glans is the corpus spongiosum’s distal expansion,
With the external urethral orifice through which fluids run!

Erectile tissue has fascial coverings the Dartos fascia!
The penis portion is the penis’ superficial fascia!
The scrotum portion, the dartos proper, is continuous with Colles fascia!

The dartos fascia is also continuous with Scarpa’s fascia!
Deeper you’ll find the deep fascia of the penis, or Buck’s fascia!
Buck’s fascia holds the three erectile tissues together tight,
And it continues from the deep perineal fascia, alright?

Beneath the deep fascia, the tunica albuginea confines,
Each of the cavernous bodies, and it is fused at the midline!

Two ligaments support the root the suspensory ligament,
And, encircling the penis – there is the fundiform ligament!
Penis skin is more pigmented than the rest of the body’s skin!
There’s a double layer of skin and fascia called the foreskin!

It connects to the glans surface by the frenulum – a skin fold!
The foreskin to a variable extent over the glans takes hold!
The space between the foreskin and the glans is the preputial sac!
Let’s move on – penis neurovascular supply we shall unpack!

It’s supplied by the bulbourethral, deep, dorsal artery!
These vessels all branch from the internal pudendal artery,
Which in its turn arises from the internal iliac artery!

A deep dorsal vein drains into the prostatic venous plexus!
Superficial dorsal veins drain skin and cutaneous tissues thus!
Somatic innervation results from the pudendal nerve and,
That nerve comes from S2S4 spinal segments, understand!

The pudendal nerve goes on as the dorsal nerve of the penis,
Sensory, sympathetic innervation to skin and glans penis!

The pudendal nerve also supplies two muscles of the penis,
The ischiocavernosus and the bulbospongiosus!
Cavernous nerves arise from the pelvic plexus deeper inside,
And know that parasympathetic innervation they provide!

This innervation causes vascular changes to occur so,
Blood flow increases and an erection comes out to say hello!
Cavernous nerves supply corpus cavernosum and urethra,
And they form a network around the erectile tissue, hurrah!

And now that you’ve learned all about the penis’ anatomy,
I’d very much appreciate it if you’d all subscribe to me!
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posted by xxrebemoxxz3