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In 1500 Pedro Alvares Cabral, heading to India with the second fleet discovers and claims Brazil. Soon a number of trading posts collecting brazilwood spring up. To combat French incursions, 15 captaincies are established. Later Tome de Sousa is appointed governor. Mem de Sa dispatches further French incursions and further developed Brazil.
In 1578 King Sebastian I dies and the Iberian Union is established bringing Portugal in war with England and the Dutch. In 1602 the Dutch East India company or VOC is founded and goes on the attack in the east, establishing Batavia as a base. In 1621 the Dutch West India company or WIC is established and carves out Dutch Brazil. The Brazilians defeat them at the Battle of Tabocas and at the Battle of Guararapes, expelling the Dutch from Brazil. In the east the Portuguese fare much worse, losing most of their colonies.
Therefore Brazil becomes more important for Portugal. By the 19th century Brazil is well developed, however many would like independence. Brazil gains independence in 1822 with Pedro I becoming its first emperor. Later Portugal develops Angola and Mozambique in Africa, however with decolonization, in spite of Salazar's efforts, all Portuguese colonies eventually gain independence.

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Nicolle, D (2012). The Portuguese in the Age of Discovery
Disney, A R (2007). A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire
Newitt, M (2009). Portugal in European and World History
Chaudhuri, K N (1985). Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: An Economic History
Silva, S (2008). The Portuguese in the East: A Cultural History of a Maritime Trading Empire
Cliff, N (2011). Holy War: How Vasco Da Gama's Epic Voyages Turned the Tide
YunCasalilla, B (2019). Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668
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0:00 Establishing Brazil
3:40 Iberian Union
5:04 VOC
6:29 WIC
8:56 Losing the East
10:08 Road to Independence
11:51 Final years

#PortugueseEmpire #HistoryOfBrazil #PortugueseHistory

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