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The precious time we shared with our daughter until she passed away.「わが子を看取る(英語字幕版)」


Ichika Yoneda, a fouryearold girl with cancer lives with her mum, dad, and her younger sister Senri. While she was waiting for her brother to be born, she was told that she had only three months to live. With help from the family, we covered the story of Ichika and the family’s struggle, agonies, and the ultimate decision they made until she took her last breath. Her story takes place at “The Child Chemo House” located in Kobe city. Before moving to the clinic, Ichika was forced to live apart from her family, her mum had to rent an apartment near the hospital and her dad, who worked, could only visit her on weekends. All they wanted was “to live a normal life together”. They want to make their voices heard to improve child medicine via these three months of recordings. We’d like you to consider the hardships these families face during these difficult times.

DirectorYokosuka Yukino  Broadcasted on July 19, 2018

がんと闘う米田一華ちゃんはパパとママ、妹・千莉ちゃんとの人家族。 弟の誕生も心待ちにしながら病と闘う中、過酷な現実を突きつけられました。 余命か月。 神戸にある“おうち診療所”を舞台に 取材班は、家族の協力を得て幼い子の看取りまでの家族の葛藤と苦悩、 その果ての決断のすべてを記録しました。 おうち診療所に転院する前は、一華ちゃんは家族と離れての闘病生活を余儀なくされ、 ママは病院の近くにアパートを借り、仕事のあるパパは週末のみしか 一華ちゃんと面会できませんでした。 家族の願いは、「当たり前の日常を家族一緒に送りたい」 「おうち診療所で過ごしたか月の映像から小児医療の充実を訴えて欲しい」 リアルな映像を通して“家族の絆を守る医療の充実”を訴えます。

For about Child Chemo House, visit
For more details on our coverage, visit 「話題のドキュメント『わが子を看取る』がYouTubeにアップされたワケとは 」読みテレ 読んで楽しいテレビの話
英語字幕無しはこちら →    • わが子を看取る  

#Stories about children with sickness (#小さな命をみつめて)
Yomiuri TV has been dedicating our efforts to cover stories about children with sickness. We hope that our efforts contribute to a better environment for those children as well as to further the awareness of child medicine in Japan. We have created English subtitles to reach more people in the world. We hope to continue to be a helping hand for the children with sicknesses and their families to enhance their quality of life. Acknowledgment should be given to the two translators; Mr. Takehiro Hashimoto and Mr. Sean Bradley for their dedication.

posted by gwman41