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The secret behind FrankenPHP: Will it revolutionize PHP?

Chris Fidao

How to use FrankenPHP to ship your PHP/Laravel application, in a way that's potentially revolutionary and definitely pretty magical.

FrankenPHP is a PHP application server, written in Golang. It's a module for the Caddy web server.

Behind the scenes, Franken acts as a PHP SAPI (the thing that site between your web server and your PHP application). It manages handling PHP processes that result from web requests, using threadsafe PHP (zts) and some custom Cthread pooling logic to handle lots of concurrent requests.

The truly magical part of FrankenPHP is how it can package your application up into a portable binary that can be run just about anywhere. This could change how we deploy PHP apps.

00:00 Intro
00:10 What is FrankenPHP
02:26 Using FrankenPHP
4:00 Packaging up Your App!
7:37 Running your Packaged App
9:19 FrankenPHP Magic
11:33 Downsides of FrankenPHP?

posted by Tassinariqx