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The Ultimate “Five Nights at Freddy's” Recap Cartoon

Cas van de Pol

Freddy Fazbear? Ur Ur Ur Ur..... The ultimate recap cartoon of Five Nights at Freddy's! Featuring: Foxy, Chica, Bonnie, Freddy and ... Memes... hehehe.. yeees.....

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Directed by
Steve Ly   / notstevely  
Cas van de Pol

Written & Animated by
Erwin Langstraat   / ninjalligator  
Steve Ly   / notstevely  
Aris Kolaretakis   / arislaretis  
Lucas Kozuki   / lukozuki  
Martijn Kreemers   / martijnkreemers  
Raphael Coutant   / bobolesinge  
Geoffrey Armfield   / geoffrey_armfield  
Jamie de Jonge   / jamiedejonge_art  
Nicolas Gonzales   / nicogz  
Deianara Eggers   / daicellas  
Roxie Folkers   / tekentrommel  
Cas van de Pol

Backgrounds by
Jill Peeters   / jillsartandstuff  

Cowritten by
Dominik Johann   / zerstoerer  
Brian Bear   / beapeabear  

Compositing & FX by
Thijs Viegers   / thijsviegers  

Music & sound design
Robert Jung   / dreikelvin  

3D animation by
Dominik Johann   / zerstoerer  

Voice work by
Dennis Impink   / dennisimpink  
Pepijn Hikspoors   / viezedikkeman  
Dominik Johann   / zerstoerer  

Thanks for watching :)

posted by bolomansq