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The Wild Hunt: Origins Leaders and Procession


The Wild Hunt, its leader, it procession, all parts of an ancient story but academics disagree on its origins and who originally led it. Here we take a look at the work of Hutton, Lecouteux, Grimm, Liberman, de Vries, amongst others, and compare their views, and explain some of the gaps in their thinking.

The conclusion to this is that we can find an ancient leader of the hunt, even if we can't recreate the original story.

I tell some tales of the Wild Hunt, stories of Kings and Gods, giants and other supernatural and mythological beings. And look at what these mean. I also edited this video down from over 2 hours, and so there is so much I have taken out so let me know if you would like to hear more details on anything.

Bibliography and Papers Cited

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de Vries, Jan. 1954. “Über das Verhältnis von Óƒr und Óƒinn,” Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 73 (1954), 337–353
Eike, Christine. 1980. Oskoreia og ekstaseriter, Norveg 23, 229309
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Liberman, Anatoly. 2016. In Prayer and Laughter: Essays on Medieval Scandinavian and Germanic Mythology, Literature, and Culture. Moscow: Paleograph Press
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Notes on the Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders, pp. 103104, Longmans, Green, and Company, 1866

0:00 Introduction
3:10 Orderic Vitalis's Infernal Hunt
5:56 The Wild Hunt has become complex
8:41 The Differing Views to what made up the Hunt
11:32 The Wild Hunt's different Leaders
14:30 King Herla's Hunt
18:38 More Wild Hunt Themes
19:38 The AngloSaxon Chronicles and PreChristian origins
20:37 What was in the procession or army of the dead?
27:30 The problem with Odin being the leader
29:28 What do other historical texts infer?
31:36 An Old Norse version of the hunt
33:49 The Evolution of the Gods
38:42 The Proto Indo European Leader of the Wild Hunt
40:45 The Evolution of Odin
42:14 Summerising the Evidence
46:05 But there is an older story still...

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