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The Worst Outcome Caused by One Person's Selfishness... The 2017 Poroshiri-dake Disaster


This time, we will provide a clear explanation of the 2017 Poroshiridake disaster using topographic maps and animation.

I pray for the repose of those who lost their lives, and wish for the safety of everyone involved in the dangerous and arduous rescue operations. Thank you very much.

Having experienced firsthand how the lack of knowledge can affect the lives of loved ones, I started this activity with the hope of spreading lifesaving knowledge to as many people as possible through sharing information about the mountains and navigation that I love.

I strive to faithfully recreate the facts by consulting as many sources as possible for the explanations. Due to various theories about the circumstances of the disaster, some adjustments or omissions may be made for the sake of the explanation, so please understand. ※ The thumbnail image is from an image resource site and represents a female member of the group.

Various news reports
Other publicly available information.

I also love mountaineering and map reading, but I have had several nearmiss experiences. Fortunately, I did not have to call for rescue, but a single mistake could have cost me my life. Based on these past experiences and reflections, I share this information.

My main job is as a systems engineer, but I devote most of my time to creating these videos, learning unfamiliar tools like Google Earth Pro and Vyond, and writing scripts. The narration is done by someone else, and other parts are created with the help of knowledgeable experts.

Your support through comments, likes, and channel subscriptions (please turn on all notifications if possible) would be greatly appreciated and very encouraging.

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■ Past Video Introductions:
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I will do my best with the next post as well!

posted by dikkenvc