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李建南谈斲琴 ( The Craftman Of Guqin In Malaysia )


李建南 67岁, 马来西亜人,祖籍中国海南省琼海县文市坡田园 。
早年修习于大马艺术学院 , 于期间自学研究书法与篆刻, 爱好古董家具文物。
退休后则致力自硏华楽器的制作与修复其中也涉及马来族群及原住民楽器的改制 。
尤以中国古琴是其重中之重的斲琴专业 其中最具特色的是以马来西亜本土的优质木料为琴的制作材料 展现了中国以外的另一种琴韵之声再加上他以其独特的书法篆刻布局加工处理 使古琴作为楽器之外 更增添了它的文雅观赏艺术价值。

Who would imagine  that a 3,000 year old Chinese traditional musical instrument called guqin could be crafted by a craftsman in Malaysia. This video showcases a formidable artisan Mr Lee Chien Nam and his 15year journey to master and perfected the craft of making guqin from a single piece of wood that is sourced locally and from abroad. Guqin is considered the instrument of the sages and has been used by scholars such as Confucius. It is a sevenstring instrument of the family of zither and is considered the instrument most expressive of Chinese culture. Learning the guqin is considered one of the four important classical high cultures of ancient China, which included chess, calligraphy and painting. Mr Lee, a Malaysian Institute of Art alumni, is proud of his creations are for sale to collectors, musicians as well as those who would like to get a piece of a 3,000 year old Chinese cultural artifact as a showpiece in their home. 
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posted by vijfjarigj8