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There is Life After Death: New Research Confirms Afterlife Exists !

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There is Life After Death and death does not exist according to latest researches in quantum physics. Death is not real. Death is just an illusion. Which shows we are actually immortal. We never die.
These new discoveries in quantum physics are shattering everything we knew about death. The research by two world famous scientists
Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose says that our consciousness continues to exists or transform after death (Quantum Consciousness and the microtubules). The afterlife might be more real than we ever imagined. So let’s uncover what might be waiting for us beyond the grave.

What is Death (Definition of Death)
Death can be defined as the permanent and irreversible end of all biological functions that sustain a living organism.
But according to the latest research, death is not the end of the story.
Friends, before we discuss this new discovery, you need to have an idea about what we mean by Quantum Consciousness.

Imagine your mind is more than just your brain working hard. What if the secrets of your thoughts and feelings were hidden in the tiniest parts of your brain, involving the strange world of quantum physics? This is what the theory of quantum consciousness is all about, proposed by scientists, Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose.

Normally, we think of consciousness as something our brain does. Our brain cells, called neurons, send signals to each other, and that's how we think, feel, and experience the world. But Hameroff and Penrose suggest that there's more to it.

Microtubules: Tiny Structures in Our Cells
Inside each brain cell, there are tiny structures called microtubules. These microtubules are like little tubes that help the cell keep its shape, divide, and transport materials inside. You can think of microtubules as tiny highways within the cell. Hameroff and Penrose believe these microtubules are the key to understanding consciousness.

Quantum Physics: The Weird World of the Very Small
Quantum physics is the science that studies the smallest things in the universe, like atoms and subatomic particles.

Quantum Vibrations and Consciousness
Hameroff and Penrose propose that quantum vibrations occur in the microtubules inside our brain cells. These vibrations are extremely small and happen at the quantum level. According to their theory, these quantum vibrations are somehow related to our consciousness. In other words, our thoughts, feelings, and experiences might be linked to these tiny quantum processes.

Quantum Information
This theory suggests that these microtubules handle quantum information. Quantum information is a way of storing and processing data that uses the principles of quantum physics. When your brain processes thoughts or experiences, it might be using this quantum information, thanks to the microtubules.

What Happens When We Die?
One of the fascinating parts of this theory is, what it suggests about death. Normally, when we die, our brain stops working, and our consciousness is thought to end. But if consciousness is linked to quantum processes in the microtubules, then maybe this quantum information doesn't just disappear when we die. Instead, it could transform ! or go somewhere else ! hinting at some kind of continued existence beyond physical death.

Afterlife theories
1.Parallel Universes: Imagine countless universes alongside ours, where different versions of you live out different lives. Death here might just mean you're alive somewhere else. It's a mindboggling idea that suggests we're immortal across multiple realities.

2.Cosmic Connection: Some believe our consciousness is part of a universal fabric. When we die, we merge back into this cosmic consciousness, like a drop of water returning to the ocean. It’s a peaceful thought that we’re all connected in the grand scheme of things.

3.Paranormal Beliefs:** Ghosts, spirits, hauntings – many think our soul keeps going after death. These beliefs vary, but they all suggest there's more to our existence than just our physical bodies.

4.Reincarnation: Popular in Eastern philosophies, this theory says we’re reborn into new lives, learning and evolving with each cycle. Death isn’t the end but a new beginning in a different form.

5.Dimensional Shift: What if we move to a higher dimension after death? This idea, inspired by physics, suggests that death is just a shift to a different kind of existence, governed by new laws and perceptions.

NearDeath Experiences (NDEs)
Friends, What’s it like to be on the edge of death? People who’ve had NearDeath Experiences,
describe leaving their bodies, seeing bright lights, and watching their lives flash before their eyes. Studies even show brain activity during cardiac arrest, indicating that these experiences might be more than just hallucinations.

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posted by ypptaji