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They turned chemistry into a puzzle game...

Real Civil Engineer

Sokobond Express is a puzzle game at an atomic scale where you must combine elements to make molecules and solve puzzles!

PATREON:   / realcivilengineer  
MEMBERSHIP:    / @realcivilengineergaming  
DISCORD:   / discord  
REDDIT:   / realcivilengineer  
TWITCH:   / realcivilengineer  
PADDY (MY DOG):    / @paddytheapprentice  
STREAM ARCHIVE:    / @realcivilengineerarchive  

Epic Game Store SupportACreator Code: RCE

(In connection with Epic Games’ SupportACreator Program, I may receive a commission from certain ingame purchases)

#realcivilengineer #sokobond #sokobondexpress

posted by blogazonexz