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Think you're tongue tied? Quick Self-Assessment Test to help find out!

Opus Myo

Take this super quick selfassessment quiz on tongue mobility, function, and freedom to see if you could be tongue tied, including who to ask, how to get diagnosed, and how to find a qualified professional near you!

Given by Jessica Luffey, CSOM
Opus Orofacial Myology

For more information about tongue tie, I highly recommend experts:
Dr. Zaghi
The Breathe Institute
Specializing in Adult releases, sleep, and posterior tongue ties

Dr. Baxter
Alabama Tongue Tie Center
Specializing in infant releases and family care

For help finding a release provider near you, a simple google search for "airway dentist near me" is a great start. Many highly experienced dentists and other release providers will usually have "tongue tie" listed prominently on their website :)

posted by skremselio