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This Prison Style Workout Will Make You DANGEROUS | Prison Style Workout

Flex God

Workout programs:

The Workout Plan..

Warmup: Boxing Combinations (3 rounds)..

Start your workout with shadowboxing to get your heart rate up and prepare your body for the intense session ahead. Perform each combination with maximum effort, focusing on speed, power, and technique. Each round should last 3 minutes, with a 1minute rest between rounds.

Basic Combinations:

First combination the Jab, Cross (12): A quick left jab followed by a powerful right cross.

The next combination is the Jab, Jab, Cross (112): Two left jabs followed by a right cross.

Next is the Jab, Cross, Hook (123): A left jab, right cross, and a left hook.

And lastly the Jab, Cross, Uppercut (125): A left jab, right cross, and a right uppercut.

Main Workout: Circuit Training (1020 reps per exercise).

After the warmup, transition into a circuit of bodyweight exercises. Perform each exercise in the sequence with minimal rest, aiming for 1020 reps based on your fitness level. Complete one full round by doing all four exercises, then rest for 12 minutes before starting the next round. The goal is to complete 4 to 10 rounds, depending on your endurance and conditioning level.

• Grab the pullup bar with an overhand grip.
• Hang with your arms fully extended.
• Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar.
• Lower yourself back down with control.

• Position yourself between parallel bars or on a dip station.
• Lower your body by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
• Push yourself back up to the starting position.

Bodyweight Squats:
• Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart.
• Lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back.
• Keep your chest up and your weight on your heels.
• Stand back up to the starting position.

• Get into a plank position with your hands shoulderwidth apart.
• Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground.
• Push yourself back up to the starting position.

Finisher: Burpees

End the workout with burpees to fully exhaust your body and maximize your conditioning. Aim for 2030 burpees, focusing on maintaining good form and pushing through fatigue.

posted by mukegs