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Tips for a Most Successful Hatch | Hatching Eggs at Home | Dr. ARSHAD

Dr. ARSHAD Veterinary Clinic

This content is about Tips for a Most Successful Hatch, Hatching Eggs at Home, Eggs Candling, Incubation and Hatching Days 20 and 21 by Dr. ARSHAD Veterinary Clinic.

After three Weeks of Watching and Waiting, now you're close to Hatch. Soon, You will be meeting your Chicks for the first time.
Hatch Day, is obviously the most exciting of the whole process. But, it can be very stressful, particularly in the Last Hours.
Why isn't the Chick Hatching ?
Why is it going so slowly ?
Should I help ?

The Final Stages:
Pipping to Hatching:

This is it, the moment you have been waiting for. Don't expect it all to happen quickly, or exactly, on time though. The Chick will decide for herself when she's ready.

What going on behind the Shell:
On Day 20 of Incubation:
The Yolk finishes being absorbed fully into the Chick. This is what makes it possible for hatchlings to be able to survive without food or water for several hours.
The Beak is poised to start packing though the Shell, and apart from the Air cell, the Embryo is completely filling the egg.
As the Egg Tooth starts to penetrate the membrane, the Lungs are fully working and breathe in that all important air from the Air cell.
It's at this Point that you may start to see a hole in the Shell as the Chick begins to break through with it's Egg Tooth, which will fall off a couple of days after hatching.

Day 21 of Egg Incubation:
For the most part, is Hatch Day. Although some Chicks hold on and don't Hatch exactly on Time. Chicks will Hatch, when they're fully developed, and when the Yolk has been absorbed into the Chick's Body.

This Content is about Optimum Development of Chicken Embryo, Good Quality Chicks, Candling process During incubation, Dead in Shell in Chicken Egg incubator, Pipping, Incubator Temperature, Egg incubator Humidity and Hatch Window by Dr. ARSHAD Veterinary Clinic.

To Achieve Optimum Embryonic Development During Incubation, Eggs Should Lose 1113, 1214 % of Initial Weight During Whole Incubation Period.
If you're Incubating a 50 g Egg, According to 1214 % Water Loss Percentage, That Egg Will Be of 4344 g after Moisture Loss. Substract 05 to 06 g Egg Shell Weight and The Egg Size will be 3839 g. 05 to 06 g Hatcher Loss or During Storage Before Incubating will Result 32 to 33 g Chick Weight. Eggs Lose Weight During Incubation Primarily in the Form of Moisture Loss Through The Shell and Shell Memberane.

Eggs are Candeled to Properly Determine the Condition of the Yolk, White and Air Cell.
Candling defects Bloody Whites, Bloody Spots, Or Meat Spots And enables Observation of Germ Development.
Candling is Done in a Darker Room With the Egg Held before a Light. The Light Penetrates the Egg And makes it possible to observe the inside of the Egg.
The Candler Should be set On aBox or Table at a Convenient Height So the Light will not Shine Directly into the Eyes of Operator. The Egg is Held in a Slanting Position With Large End against the Hole In the Candler. The Egg is Grasped by the Small End and while Held between the Thumb and Tips Of the First Two Fingers, is turned Quickly to the Left or Right. This Moves the Content of the Egg and Throws the Yolk Nearer the Shell.
In Fresh Egg The Air Space is Visible and Moves Freely. The White is Thin and Clear.
Most Newly Laid Eggs are Good Quality. The Only Eggs to be Removed Are those with Bloody Whites, Blood or Meat Spots and Cracked Shells. Incubated Eggs are Candled to Determine Whether They are Fertile Or Not, and if Fertile, to Check the Growth and Development of the Embryo.

For Hen, Peahen, Turkey & Duck Eggs:
Set incubator Temperature at:
37.5 37.7 C°
99.5 F° to 100 F°
Or, in between 98.5 to 100 F°.
This Temperature Range Yields better Hatchability .

55 to 60 % Humidity for Hen Eggs.
6070 % Humidity for Peahen, Pheasant, Turkey or or Species Eggs.

Decrease Temperature & Increase Humidity During Last 03 Days of incubation.
36.7 C° or 98 F°
Humidity around 65 %

Incubator ON and OFF Timing
On = 37.2 C° , OFF = 37.7 C°

Eggs Develop Rapidly once the incubation Process Begins. Growth Starts within First 24 Hours. The Eye Begins to Develop even at this Stage of Growth. By 42 Hours, That Tissues begins to Beat. At 48 Hours, The Weight of Embryo increases as Seen in the Video. By Day 3, Leg Buds, Wing Budsand the Nose have all begun to Form. At Day 4, The Eye Begins to be Visible. A Red Spot, with a Faint Network of Blood Vessels begining to form.
At Day 5, the Weight of Embryo increases Further. By Day 7 and 8 Day, Embryo Grows Fastly and at Day 9, The Eyelids have Started to Form, and Begin closing over the Eye tissue. Embryo Weight increases within next 4 Days. Means at Day 10, 11, 12 and Day 13 of Egg incubation. The Embryo will have Begun to fill the Space in the Shell. At Day 14, You Can Clearly Observe the Embryo ( Chick ) Movement inside the Eggshell. This Whole Process is Called Egg Candling. For Eggs Candling we Use Egg Candler.

posted by malarmatfz