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Top 10 Underrated Games

The Dice Tower

Tom Vasel, Sam Healey, and Zee Garcia talk about games that most people don't seem to like, but we do!!

00:00 Introduction
02:50 Sam’s #10
04:25 Tom’s #10
05:40 Zee’s #10
06:39 Tom’s #9
08:27 Zee’s #9
10:11 Sam’s #9
11:39 Zee’s #8
13:18 Sam’s #8
14:23 Tom’s #8
16:14 Zee’s #7
18:00 Tom’s #7
19:58 Sam’s #7
22:48 Tom’s #6
24:27 Sam’s #6
26:17 Zee’s #6
27:47 Sam’s #5
30:03 Zee’s #5
31:28 Tom’s #5
33:04 Sam’s #4
34:09 Tom’s #4
36:27 Zee’s #4
38:33 Tom’s #3
40:48 Zee’s #3
42:21 Sam’s #3
44:15 Zee’s #2
45:19 Sam’s #2
48:13 Tom’s #2
50:23 Zee’s #1
52:08 Tom’s #1
54:30 Sam’s #1

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Due to a video editing error, the top ten lists are listed below instead of the end of the video:

Tom Vasel:
1. Monopoly: Tropical Tycoon
2. Democrazy
3. Overpower
4. Mutiny on the Little Blue
5. Time Pirates
6. Fantasy Business
7. Picture Picture
8. Temple Run: Danger Chase
9. You've Been Sentenced
10. Are You the Traitor?

Sam Healey
1. Starfarers of Catan
2. Fire & Axe
3. Revolution
4. Mission: Red Planet
5. Jamaica
6. Tannhauser
7. Fairy Tale
8. Toledo
9. Guildhall
10. Eruption

Zee Garcia
1. Lost Temple
2. Atlantis Rising
3. Saint Malo
4. Uchronia
5. The Convoy
6. Lascaux
7. Quicksand
8. Cyrano
9. SmileyFace
10. Indigo

posted by hoteloriental07