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Top 5 Useful PowerShell Commands


If you're a PowerShell user, then you likely have a handful of commands you use on a regular basis. Among the hundreds of cmdlets, there are likely a few useful ones that you're unaware of. Join Mike in this video as he shares his top 5 PowerShell commands!

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00:00 Intro
01:09 #1: TestPath
05:50 #2: GetExecutionPolicy
08:22 #3: GetCredential
10:58 #4: InvokeCommand
15:20 #5: EnterPSSession

Commands used in video:

TestPath “c:\test.txt”
TestPath “c:\test2.txt”
NewItem ItemType File “c:\test.txt”
If (!(TestPath “c:\test.txt”)){ NewItem ItemType File “c:\test.txt” }
TestPath Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell"
TestPath $pshome\pwsh.exe NewerThan "July 24, 2019"

SetExecutionPolicy ExecutionPolicy

$creds = GetCredential

InvokeCommand ComputerName svr01 Credential $creds ScriptBlock { GetExecutionPolicy}
InvokeCommand ComputerName svr01 Credential $creds FilePath “e:\scripts\demo.ps1”


#toppowershellcommands #usefulpowershellcommands #bestpowershellcmdlets

posted by cutesyangeldq