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Top Tips on How I Changed My Life after a Year of Weight Lifting

Eric B

In the video today I will be talking about my fitness journey over the past year after a 15 year break from lifting weights. I am a natural athlete and only take protein powder and creatine for my supplements. Progress is slow but we are in the real world and that is how it is for normal individuals.

As an older athlete over 45 lifestyle changes are huge to hitting your fitness goals. Calculating your TDEE, or maintenance calories is key to knowing how much you can eat daily to maintain your weight. I have used the free versions of My Fitness Pal and Cronometer in the past and they will even calcuate this number for you. If you want to lose weight I recommend you lose 1 lb a week which equals 3,500 calories less than your maintenance.

Lifting weights to tone your body is great for challenges you face in life, bone health and general fitness. While you can do cardio your weight loss is in the kitchen and what and how much you are eating. Sleep is the most factor to recovery and key to older athletes success.

Top Tips
1: Get your TDEE (maintenance calories) and track your food honestly
2. Calculate your Macros correctly. 1g of protein per “body mass”. Take body fat % and subtract from body weight. My macros are 25% protein, 45% carbs and 30% fat.
3. Eat 3,500 calories less than maintenance to lose 1 lb a week (recommended to lose slowly)
4. Don't Drink your calories (alcohol, soda)
5. Cardio is for heart health not a substitute for poor eating habits
6. Sleep is paramount to Recovery
7. Weight Lifting has Tremendous Positive Effects
8. Take a Long term Approach to change your lifestyle
9: Eat what you like just eat less of it, be consistent
10: Most Importantly have Fun

posted by DrawCoalacy