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TopsCNC Heavy - The Big 3D Printed CNC DIY

Create For Curiosity

In this video I show you how to make the TopsCNC HEAVY version, a Homemade CNC machine, 3 Axes, with a 3D printer.

It is a new version of the TopsCNC, much heavier and more rigid, specially designed for large formats!

Download page:

Instagram:   / createforcuriosity  
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For the curious, here is the video of the first Machine:    • DIY CNC  Fabriquer une CNC avec une ...  

and here the first version of the TopsCNC:
   • TopsCNC  DIY / Homemade CNC Imprimée...  

All the equipment was bought on the internet, nothing is difficult to find. (Well, you still need a 3D printer!)

My 3D Printer :

Several test videos will arrive soon, if that interest you subscribe :)

3dprint #CNC #TopsCNC

posted by sergio1975c8