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Transforming Oasis Into a GRAVEYARD


#creaturesofsonaria #roblox
In this video I got an urge to pile all of the people we've killed into a giant pile of meat and protect it vehemently. It's much longer than my usual videos, but there was so much footage and it took a lot to condense it down. Also I have repeatedly noticed some stuttering in the recording, and it was especially bad in this video. I'm going to try to fix it, already made some changes. We'll see if it works :'). I hope the LSS event has been going well for you and your weekend was great, have a good Sunday!

Like and subscribe ! I would love to be able to eventually host big events on Creatures of Sonaria, as it's an amazing sandbox to host some cool scenarios in.

P.S, If me or my friend's killed you in the video, or at any point, I'm sorry, we don't mean any hate or toxicity.

posted by nergamqx