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Troxel v. Granville [SCOTUSbrief]

The Federalist Society

Do parents have a constitutional right to direct and control how their children are raised? Prof. Rick Garnett of the Notre Dame Law School explores the constitutional conflict over substantive due process and fundamental rights in Troxel v. Granville.

#law #scotus #constitution #fourteenthamendment

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues. All expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

Learn more about Rick Garnett:

Related Links & Differing Views:

Catholic University Law Review: “Troxel v. Granville: Protecting Fundamental Parental Rights While Recognizing Changes in the American Family”

Journal of Legislation: “Troxel v. Granville and its Effect On the Future of Grandparent Visitation Statutes”

University of Chicago Press Journals: “Parental (and Grandparental) Rights After Troxel v. Granville”

The Federalist Society: “Parental Rights and Religious Liberty: Examining New Conflicts Between Parents and the State”
   • Parental Rights and Religious Liberty...  

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