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(Updated) Reliving the Good Ol' Days at the MHS Class of '54 Reunion!

John Mason

(Updated) Seventeen members of the Manchester High School Class of 1954 celebrated their 69th reunion with their class president Gary Bogli, in the latter part of 2023. It was 69 years after their graduation.
Bogli, a confident 87yearold and a former South Windsor social studies teacher, has already reserved a November 2024 date at Georgina's Italian Restaurant in Bolton, Ct, for the group's 70th reunion.
Bogli was a baseball star in high school he hit a home run in his last at bat and was cocaptain of the basketball team. And he wore his high school letter sweater to prove it.
Bogli confessed that a lot has changed in the past 70 years including how he refers to the class motto. "Instead of 'willing and able,' I say "almost able."

posted by thomass0t