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U.S.' 'rules based order' up in flames as Biden backs Netanyahu over ICC

Reports on China

The rules based international order. That is the phrase that the USled West has used liberally over the past few years to skirt its obligations and create a safety blanket allowing it to act as it wished, without any push back.

But despite sounding like it referred to real laws, the term literally meant nothing and was just a way for the collective West to stand above the rest of the world as some kind of moral overlord.

Well not anymore, because that cloak has been well and truly pulled back with the US now blatantly going against the International Criminal Court, who are seeking warrants for the arrest of Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu.

It’s clear to see that the U.S. is a rogue state that has no respect for the law. Today, we’ll take a closer look.

This is Reports on China, I’m Andy Boreham in Shanghai. Let’s get reporting!

#israel #biden #icc

posted by just1kissfx