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Varroa Controller - A chemical free weapon against Varroa

AussieMikes Bees

The Varroa Controller is an Austrian invention that successfully uses hyperthermia to wipe out mites in capped brood. It's been used by commercial and hobby beekeepers in Europe for 14 years without any chemicals.
It has a proven record in Europe, time will tell if it works in Australia as Varroa spreads fast across the nation.
In this video, Sven from Varroa Controller Australia, the authorised Australian distributor demonstrates on my local club apiary. Sven shows us how easy it is and answers our questions.

Is this the secret to chemical free Varroa management? Watch and comment.

Here is the Australian distributor's site to learn more:

Disclaimer: I don't have any affiliation with this product, the manufacturer or the distibutors. I am buying one and will produce a series of videos on how well or otherwise it performs in my environment. As Varroa spreads, there is massive reinfestation rates happening requiring continuous treatments to keep mite levels within threshold. Every chemical treatment affects the whole hive each time. With the Varroa Controller, only capped brood is treated, so it only affects bees once in their lifetime. Time will tell how well this does.

Mike Allerton

posted by ajustarany7