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Venomous Taipan Bite - The Full Story

Joey Josselson

Today we are talking about a very recent venomous snake bite that happened in the venomous snake keeping community. A man was bitten while freehandling his inland taipan, which happens to be the most venomous snake on the planet. His name is Jeffrey Liebowitz. He had no plan for if he got bitten, as well as no antivenom. This is the story, context of the events leading up to it, and information about consequences and what needs to be done moving forward. Venomous snake bites are bad.

Some things to note:
I cannot 100% confirm that his snakes were being kept illegally. Initially that's what reports were saying, but after looking up the exotic pet code of the city he was in, it appears that there is nothing about venomous snakes, so that may be a false report.
His snakes were all taken into custody (along with a house cat or two) and they were euthanized by the state. His reckless actions had immediate consequences to his animals.
Jeff had no bite protocols, as well as no anitvenom.
If you want to know more about my claims about his character then please feel free to further investigate yourself, I don't want to bring him any more attention than I may already be giving him. Just know that every claim I've made about his behavior towards myself and others is true.

Stock your own antivenom. Be smart. Less freehandling.

#reptiles #venomoussnakes #snakebite #pets #taipan

posted by baburu54