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VOA's 2022 Dare to Dream Scholarship Recipients Say Thank You

VOA Northern California and Northern Nevada

VOA's Dare to Dream scholarship helps former foster youth attend college and make their dreams come true by providing scholarship funds for their education. Watch as 12 of this year's 14 recipients share what the scholarship means to them.

Did you know?

84% of 17 and 18 year old foster youth want to attend college, but sadly only 2.5% actually go to college and graduate with a degree. VOA launched the “Dare to Dream" Scholarship Program in 2006 and thanks to our sponsors, we have awarded over $400,000 in academic scholarships to over 200 youth. Past scholars have been able to attend Stanford, UC Berkeley, Diablo Valley College, Clark Atlanta University, UCLA, Solano Community College, City College of San Francisco, Yale University, Whittier College, Oregon State University, and more.

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