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Want To Build World Class Hip Flexors?


Every squat, leg press, deadlift, and glute thrust works hip extension

But what about your hip flexors?

I think it only makes sense to train both. While your hip extensors are your powerhouse, your hip flexors are picking up those powerhouse muscles

Hitting hip flexion twice a week can help catch them up if they’re a lagging area, and once a week thereafter

Cramping on L Sit is completely normal and expected if you’re new to the movement. Cramps are your body’s way of telling you it’s confused about what muscle to fire, and overtime, will
turn into deep contractions. Don’t push through a cramp, but instead regress until it is more comfortable. Leaning back can help lessintensify cramps

Some helpful protocols:
1. L Sit: 3 sets max holds. L Sit March is a great drop set. It’s completely okay if you’re only
capable of L Sit March, most people will have to start there. For L Sit March, aim for 20 focused
reps per leg instead
2. Reverse Squat: 4 sets of 20 reps
Let me know if you have any questions below!

posted by Taiariollm