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Was Annie Millwood An Early Victim Of Jack The Ripper?

Jack The Ripper Tour

On February the 25th, 1888, a 38yearold widow by the name of Annie Millwood was admitted to the Whitechapel Infirmary suffering from stab wounds to her legs and lower abdomen.

She made a full recovery from her injuries and, on the 21st March, 1888, she was discharged and sent to the Whitechapel Union Workhouse, South Grove, off Mile End Road.

Ten days later, on March 31st, she collapsed and died at the workhouse.

At the subsequent inquest into her death the jury returned a verdict of death by natural causes, and the case of Annie Millwood was all nut forgotten.

However, in recent years, several commentators have noted that there are certain similarities between the injuries inflicted on Annie Millwood by her attacker and those inflicted on the bodies of several of the Whitechapel Murders victims later that year.

This has led some commentators to wonder if this may have been an early crime that was perpetrated by Jack the Ripper before he progressed to the horrific mutilations that would be the hallmarks of his later crimes.

In this video you will learn the full story of the assault on Annie Millwood and will hear the case for her having been an early victim of Jack the Ripper.

posted by memoariwn