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WATCH | Trial continues in excessive force case of Euclid Police Officer Michael Amiott

WKYC Channel 3

Trial continues for Euclid Police Officer Michael Amiott.

Michael Amiott is charged with two counts of assault and one count of interfering with civil rights in connection with a violent traffic stop in August of 2017. Cell phone video showed the officer repeatedly punching Richard Hubbard after the latter was pulled over for an unspecified moving violation.
“I’m on the ground, he hops right up and starts slamming my head on the ground, which I don’t even know why he did that," when asked to explain what was happening at specific moments from the incident. "But then my girlfriend gets out of the car and starts screaming.”

Hubbard said he wasn't fighting back.

“I never touched the officer," he said. "I never even brought up my fists at the officer. I protected my face from the punches, but you can’t see it from this video.”

When it was over, Hubbard said he sat in the squad car disappointed at what happened.

“A traffic stop just turned into me just getting beat up for no reason.”


posted by hakbosft