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What are the signs that the dark night of the soul is ending? |Chosen ones

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What are the signs that the dark night of the soul is ending? |Chosen ones

Hallo chosen ones, star seeds, indigos, crystal children, and powerful souls. Welcome back to my channel. This video is all about the dark night of the soul journey to the higher dimension. So, are you currently undergoing some tribulations, and have no taste for life anymore. Is life appearing meaningless to you, and are you undergoing some kind of inner pains, and spiritual weaknesses. This is because, you in the dark side of the soul journey to the higher dimension. This phase of your spiritual awakening is known as the dark night of the soul. And before we dive deep into this video, bear in mind that there is always light at the end of your soul journey, where you will be feeling one with yourself and the universe again. The phrase “Dark Night of the Soul” is being used to mean a spiritual crisis. This may simply be a case of depression. The Dark Night of the Soul is also the title given to a poem of the 16thcentury. It was written by Saint John of the Cross. It is a term used to describe what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life, an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness. You are a being with a soul, that is why you have to go through this process of soul evolution. And you are going through this process because, your soul is shading away old concepts, and is preparing you for the higher dimension. Be calm, stay still, and allow the old patterns to be destroyed. For this is the only way for the soul to make it's entrance into the 5th dimension. Stay calm, and think positive, and allow the universe to do her job. The inner state in some cases is very close to a depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no purpose to anything. Sometimes it’s triggered by some external event, some disaster perhaps, on an external level. The death of someone close to you could trigger it, especially premature death. Or you had built up your life, and given it meaning – and the meaning that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what is considered important, and the meaning that you had given your life for some reason collapses. Dark night of the soul is like being in a cold darkness, before we awaken to our true self, our authentic side. Then you find the door, turn the knob and through the crack comes the light, and it's blinding, but warm. and so, we are hesitant, because it hurts but are still drawn to it for the warmth that feels so familiar. Then as we continue, we open the door little by little, and with each ray of light that we allow in shows the ugliness of our self made prison. But this is only because we choose to look back, because we still think we are the things in the room. And so because of this, fear arises once again, shame sets in and we may decide to reside in the comfort again, and so the door remains mostly shut. Many lifetimes we have left this door a jar content with our little light, and so we must be born again for we choose to remain in the prison of self made illusion. Then in this lifetime we set out to once again find a way out of our suffering, and so seek the door, except this time we find it sooner, and feel the overwhelming joy of familiarity again. and so we rush to open it, but once again are thrown back by it's brilliance. This time though we made sure that we despise the darkness, and that nothing will subvert our conviction! And as our perseverance continues, the door is open ever so slightly. Until at some point through all of our efforts, where we no longer look back, choosing to abide in, and feel the warmth of the light. We open the door fully and let in all of the love and the perfection of the all that is. and we love it, and cannot understand how we stayed in that dark cold abyss for so long, but it doesn't matter, because it makes the love of our enlightened path that much richer. We see that it is our home that beckoned us, the light is our truth and so as our comfort grows and with unwavering confidence in who we truly are. we look back at what was in the darkness, and we see it was empty, and we just laugh. in my own experience, the dark night of the soul ends when we embrace it, when we invite it in (so to speak). or as the Sage’s of old suggest, “Invite the monsters to your home for tea. sit with them. listen to what they are revealing. receive the latent truth, release, and heal these guests you carry with them.

posted by Nosellaat