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What can you miniaturise and make smarter in your products?

Ron Immink´s scenario prompts

Setting up the scenario prompts for clients alway cheers me up no end. In front of your eyes science fiction becomes science fact. With some of them having a serious impact on your business. What got my attention are two developments in the area of lenses. 3 atoms thick and night vision enabled. That is cool by itself, but if you think this through in its extremes the impacts are profound, both from a mixed reality perspective, but also from an augmentation perspective. What can you miniaturise and make smarter in your products?

The other topics are AI clones, humanlike ‘bioskin, understanding animals (using AI), consumer trends, electronic noses, minting a synthetic organism as an NFT, stretch displays and the first AI brothel.

If you want to talk about scenario prompts, you can book a free appointment here

posted by Iminho