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What if Anakin built HK-47 Instead of C3P0 in The Phantom Menace

Darth Theorist

What if Anakin built HK47 Instead of C3P0 in The Phantom Menace? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.

Anakin smiles as he gathers the pile of new parts he picked up from the Jawas. Although most of them were going to Watto’s store, he’s allowed to keep a few components for himself which he began putting into his new droid. As he is set to leave with QuiGon soon, he wants to get the droid working soon so his mother will have a companion. One of the new items was a data core that he began to work inside the droid.

Once he finishes hooking it up, the droid suddenly shudders as electricity courses through him. Its eyes glow a dark red as he sits up and looks around. Shmni hears the commotion and pulls Anakin back as the droid’s eyes fix on them.

HK47: Wwho are you? How did you put me back together?

Watto: They’re my slaves, you bucket of bolts. Now calm down if you know what's good for you.

HK47: Slaves? Wait, so my creator is some meat bag slave? I’m outta here.

Anakin: Meatbags?

Watto: Hey, you’re not going anywhere. I paid good money for you.

He tries to block the droid’s path, but HK47 pushes him aside and walks outside where QuiGon and ObiWan are waiting. Upon seeing them, HK47’s eyes redden and he reaches for a wrench and hammer.

HK47: Jedi!

ObiWan reacts first, throwing the droid against the wall, sending sparks. But as he falls, HK47 throws the wrench and nearly brains the young Jedi. In response, ObiWan begins to press him harder against the walls until Anakin runs out.

Anakin: No don’t destroy him!

Watto: Not unless you’re gonna pay for him.

QuiGon reluctantly places a hand on ObiWan who calms down. HK47 prepares to join them and get back in the fight, but Anakin blocks his path.

Anakin: You said you were rebuilt. Who was the one who built you before?

Hk47: Now that my friend is a long story.

Anakin: As long as you are calm and not hurting anyone, I would like to hear it.

Slowly, HK47 gets to his feet and makes his way inside, ignoring the stares of the Jedi. He recounts his adventures with the great Darth Revan across the galaxy, including his stint as an assassin droid. The stories leave the Jedi both disturbed and impressed.

However, they deem taking a notorious assassin droid and Jedi killer back to Coruscant is too dangerous. Instead, they decide to leave HK47 with Watto and Shmi. As they depart, Anakin gives HK47 his only orders, to protect Shmi while he’s gone.

With his adventures on Naboo and his induction to the Jedi Order, Anakin soon forgets all about HK47. His thoughts are instead focused on learning about how to become a Jedi and helping those in need. This becomes his priority for the next decade as he undergoes training under ObiWan Kenobi when QuiGon dies.

However, during his first solo mission, Anakin begins to receive troubling visions. He sees his mother on Tatooine gathering mushrooms. But as she bends to pick them up, a shadow looms over her and she looks up just to see something and roar and grab her.

At first, Anakin doesn’t want to say anything, but eventually privately confides this to Padme who suggests returning to Tatooine to check up on her. The two take their starship to Tatooine but when they arrive in the moisture farms, Anakin’s heart leaps into his throat as it looks more like a battlefield.

He sees houses with their doors broken, tents torn down, and wounded lying outside of both farmers and Tusken raiders. He reaches for his lightsaber.

Anakin: This doesn’t look good.

Padmé places a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but Anakin is already moving, striding purposefully toward the homestead entrance. They pass by the remains of a house and discarded Tusken Raider weapons.

As they enter, they see Cliegg Lars in conversation with a few of his farmhands, who are nursing various injuries. They exchange a nod with Anakin, their expressions grim but relieved.

Cleigg: They sent a Jedi out here? Did you come to help?

Anakin: Oh no I’m looking for someone. Shmi Skywalker.

Cleigg: Shmi? Wait…You have her eyes.

Anakin: I’m here son.

Cleigg: Well you arrived just in time boy. She’s inside.

Anakin pushes open a door to find his mother lying on a cot, bruised and scarred, but conscious. He rushes to her side, dropping to his knees.

Anakin: Mom!

Shmi’s eyes flutter open. She reaches out weakly, her hand finding his.

Shmi: Ani… I knew you’d come back to me.

Anakin: What happened?

Shmi takes a deep breath, wincing a little as she shifts. She gestures toward the doorway, where HK47 now stands, his metal form imposing and marked with signs of the battle—a few dents, faint scorch marks. In his hands are a pair of blasters.

Shmi: Your HK—he saved us all. When they took me, I didn’t think I’d make it out. But he came with Cliegg and the others and drove the Tuskens away.

Cleigg: He’s a lousy farmhand, but I must admit, he knows how to use a blaster.
#starwars #starwarswhatif #theoldrepublic

posted by r1ju2n1yr