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What if Anakin ONLY Killed Corrupt Jedi in Order 66

Darth Theorist

What if Anakin Only Killed Corrupt Jedi Masters in Order 66? Let's explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Anakin leads his troops up the steps of the Jedi Temple to confront the Jedi once and for all. But while he appears fully committed, his mind is racing and thinking.

He already knows that Order 66 has been activated and countless Jedi are dying across the galaxy. He has little sympathy for those like Mace and the Council, but in this temple there are innocents. Younglings, padawans, and those too old to fight.

Appo: Sir, is something wrong? You seem nervous.

Anakin: No, commander. Well, there is. I want you to order your men to set your blasters to stun.

Appo: Sir?

Anakin: You heard me, commander. These Jedi could prove useful alive if they are captured. I want you to see my orders done now.

Appo: Very well.

With that, Anakin feels his conscience clear as he leads his troops through the temple. True to his word, Appo and his troops only use stun rounds. They advance into the temple, blasting through waves of Jedi. For his part, Anakin advances through the halls, dispatching the attackers with brutal efficiency.

He uses the Force and nonlethal lightsaber attacks to deal with younglings and inexperienced Jedi. However, when the Jedi Masters and corrupt Jedi attack him, Anakin shows them no mercy and unleashes his full power. This makes the process slower and the clones take more losses, but the Jedi Order is spared the worst of their destruction.

As the clones depart the temple, they lead a trail of prisoners that includes hundreds of Padawans, younglings, and inexperienced Jedi along with a handful of instructors and masters. Anakin is sure to report this to the Senate with Palpatine present. While the emperor is displeased with this turn of events, Anakin frames it as an act of mercy by the Empire, sparing these children who are just as much victims of the Jedi.

Anakin suggests they can reform the Jedi into something better by taking them to their original roots. They can start by making these remaining Jedi swear fealty to the Empire. Many in the senate approve of this plan and Palpatine has to admit he's been outmaneuvered.

Over the next few days, the Jedi survivors publically swear their loyalty to the new regime, though Vader ensures they swear to the Empire, not to Palpatine. Meanwhile, those who refuse are executed. The next course of action is to deal with the remnants of the CIS. Here, Anakin offers to handle the task but requests a Jedi strike force. He recruits those Jedi most desensitized to war and who wish for nothing more than to end it.

Among those are Barris and a handful of other knights. With this party, Anakin journeys to Mustafar to confront the remaining CIS leaders. The mission goes off without a hitch at least until ObiWan shows up, forcing the group to confront him.

ObiWan: Anakin, this madness must end.

Anakin: You are too late, old friend. The war is over, and the Jedi as you know it are no more.

ObiWan moves with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, his blue blade a blur as he engages the strike force. Barriss and the other knights try to confront him, coming at him from all sides. The Jedi Master is a formidable opponent, meeting all their attacks with quick thrusts and counterattacks. One by one, the knights fall around them, until Barriss is left. She meets his attacks, blocking his thrusts, then counterattacks until Anakin joins them.

Their blades meet in a thunderclap, sending sparks everywhere as the two push against him. ObiWan doesn't give up so easily, defending each strike as they begin pushing him back, first through the halls and then toward the landing pad. Before he realizes it, they leave the facility entirely and are on the shores of the lava river.

ObiWan tries to get some distance on them by hurling molten rocks. This buys him some time the two need to back up. Barriss and Anakin synchronize their attacks and shatter them with the Force just as ObiWan leaps out from the ruins and strikes out.

He manages to hit Barriss across the flanks, sending her tumbling to the ground. This frees him up to face Anakin. Before he can face him directly, Anakin lunges towards him, but ObiWan lashes his lightsaber out and cuts off his arm. The force of the blow sends Anakin stumbling into the lava river. The Jedi Master watches sorrowfully as his apprentice burns.

As a result, he doesn't notice Barriss sneaking up on him and plunging the lightsaber into his back. Barriss, wounded but determined, pulls him from the edge of the lava flow, using what little strength she has left to drag him to safety.

She places Anakin on a makeshift stretcher and takes him back to their shuttle where they can go to the medical station. However, as they take off, Anakin reaches out and grabs the young Jedi with an order to rescue his wife and children. Barriss leaves Anakin with the medical droids before heading to the medical station

posted by r1ju2n1yr