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What If Anakin Skywalker was TRAINED by MACE WINDU

Darth Theorist

What if Anakin Skywalker was Trained by Mace Windu? Let's explore the depths of it in this video

With the death of Qui Gon Jin, the Jedi Council gathers to discuss the fate of Anakin Skywalker. Though they were reluctant to accept him, the late Qui Gon had insisted on training him, even making it his dying wish. It was something they could not ignore.

ObiWan steps forward and offers to train Anakin. As noble as this offer is, he is only a newlymade knight and not ready to take an apprentice.

But another Jedi rises to his feet. Mace Windu looks at the council and says he shall train the boy. If Anakin is destined to face the Dark Side, Mace is the most qualified to teach him. Unlike ObiWan, he is experienced and already an accomplished master. More importantly, he has unique abilities that no other Jedi can teach him.

Anakin needed a firm hand to guide him, someone to look up to as a father. That is the only way he will listen.

His training would be unlike anything the other Padawans experienced because of Mace's unorthodox fighting style, Vaapad. Unlike other Jedi who tried to suppress negative emotions such as anger, this style harnesses and directs it towards their opponents.

For Anakin, who had already developed strong emotions and attachments, it would be difficult to let go of his attachments. This will at least allow him to unleash them healthily.

This helped strengthen the bond between the two, allowing him to focus on training. Mace is an excellent teacher for Anakin. He was a man of action who wasn't afraid to act recklessly, something Anakin could relate to, but at the same time, he was also patient and stern, helping temper Anakin's recklessness.

Aside from Vaapad, Mace would also teach Anakin his other signature technique, shatter point, feeling for things in the Force that could change the future by observing patterns of cause and effect. This honed Anakin's already strong instincts and made him highly resourceful. It also allowed Anakin to understand the dangers of attachments.

To teach Anakin, Mace arranged for Shmi to be freed and set up on a quiet farm to live out her days peacefully. However, Anakin will not be allowed to see her.

As they talk, Mace sits Anakin down and explains that this isn't meant to be cruel but to explain the necessity of letting go of attachment. It was a lot to take in, but Mace wanted this to become a learning opportunity for him.

Mace: Who do you think the Jedi serve?

Anakin: The senate.

Mace: Close, but not quite. We serve the Republic. There is a difference between serving an institution to an individual. Take each senator for example, they must serve their people, but in most cases, they simply serve their families. That is attachment and it is why we have people like your mother in bondage, because instead of doing their duty they cling to their attachment.

Anakin: But serving for money and serving to free someone from slavery isn't the same thing.

Mace: Perhaps not. But two paths can end in the same destination. If you focus only on serving your mother, how can you help the countless other slaves in the galaxy? I teach you to let go of attachment not to become callous to suffering but to never allow yourself to lose track of what you must do. However, I freed your mother because it is the right thing to do.

For Anakin, all of this showed how confusing it was to be a Jedi, but as he looked at his master, he saw the wisdom in his words and found himself at peace. This was a confusing world, but he was confident he could find a way to navigate through it.

Thankfully, he would have plenty of time to put it into practice as Mace has Anakin on numerous missions across the galaxy where he gains valuable experience.

This only becomes more important as he's assigned to protect Senator Amidala after she is nearly assassinated. Alongside ObiWan, the two of them keep a watchful eye over her and just barely manage to stop a second assassination attempt.

Despite his best efforts to harness Mace's teachings and keep things professional between him and Padme.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg as this failed assassination sets a sequence of events that leads them to the Clone Wars. Mace wastes no time volunteering his services on the front lines with Anakin following closely behind.

Despite the chaos of this war, it is also a place where Anakin and Mace can thrive. They were made to be warriors and the Clone Wars proves that. Their shatterpoint abilities allow them to find weaknesses in enemy plans and strategies and win countless victories deemed impossible.

Unlike many other Jedi, their martial inclinations make them more suited for frontline combat. Neither one balked at getting their hands dirty or acting boldly in ways others deemed unacceptable.

For that reason, Anakin was soon highly regarded as a war hero. His victories and charisma made him the darling of the Republic. This soon caught the eye of Palpatine who

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