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What if Anakin’s Nightmares Were About Obi Wan NOT Padme

Darth Theorist

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What if Anakin’s Nightmares were about ObiWan, NOT Padme? Let’s explore the depths of it in the video.

Anakin climbs into bed and moves close to Padme as he falls asleep, smiling to himself. The battle finally ended and he was given some muchneeded downtime with his wife. More importantly, he’s now expecting a child.

While part of him is worried about her health, she assures him there isn’t much to fear. She is a senator and has access to the best medical care in the galaxy.

But as he sleeps, darkness tugs at his dreams. He finds himself on a familiar planet, Utapao where ObiWan is leading the charge up a ravine. As he’s about to crest the horizon, an explosion bursts underneath him. His mount rears back and knocks ObiWan off just as the ground gives underneath them.

He watches in horror as the cliff gives way and his master tumbles over the edge and into the dark waters below. He disappears and doesn’t resurface.

Anakin’s shoots awake, trembling and in a cold sweat. He sees the sun hasn’t even risen yet, but can’t bring himself to fall back asleep so lays there until it's time to head back to the Jedi Temple. Unfortunately, the day doesn’t get any better as Palpatine asks Anakin to represent him on the Jedi Council, but they refuse to make him a master. More importantly, ObiWan is being sent to Utapao to search for Grievous.

As the meeting concludes, Anakin chases after his master.

Anakin: ObiWan, you can’t go to the Utapao system, I’ve started seeing visions of you there. It will not end well.

He tries to explain everything that’s happened to him. The Jedi Master listens along and rubs his beard.

ObiWan: That is troubling, but unfortunately I cannot refuse the council’s instructions. The capture of Grievous is too important.

Anakin: Then why can’t another Jedi go?

ObiWan: My fleet and troops are the ones already prepared. I have to command them.

Anakin: Tthen let me go with you. We can defeat Grievous together and I can keep an eye on you.

ObiWan: Anakin, you have an important mission here. If you leave now, the chancellor will be displeased. But I promise you I will be careful, my friend. Just focus on your mission, please.

Reluctantly, Anakin agrees and begins focusing on Palaptine who he’s supposed to spy on. For the next few days, things quiet down, though the visions he sees do not go away. They seem to change every time. Sometimes ObiWan is cut down by Grievous in their duel, other times his fleet is ambushed and wiped out, and other times ObiWan is attacked by the planet’s wildlife.

When he’s not with the chancellor, Anakin constantly asks for updates about ObiWan’s campaign but these remain spotty as Utapao is far off in the Outer Rim.

One person who notices Anakin’s increasing anxiety is Palpatine. He can see how Anakin is more exhausted and not thinking clearly and knows his visions have worked. For a few days, he remains silent on the topic, but while they are in the opera, he decides to broach the subject.

Although the opera is beautiful, Anakin can barely stay awake, his eyes fluttering open and closed every few seconds. Eventually, he succumbs to exhaustion and falls asleep in his seat.

After a few minutes, he jolts awake.

Palpatine: Another sleepless night, I take it? You’ve been looking more and more… weary lately. Tell me, what troubles you so deeply?

Anakin: I’ve been having visions. Nightmares.

Palpatine: Visions? What kind of visions?

Anakin: They’re about ObiWan.

For the first time, Palpatine’s demeanor falters, a brief flash of surprise crossing his face. He quickly recovers, curious. He used his mastery of the Force to send visions of Anakin losing the one he cared about the most. He had expected it to be Padme. But ObiWan.

Palpatine: ObiWan? I see. Just him? What of Senator Amidala? With her impending birth, I am quite worried.

Anakin: No. Padmé is as safe as she can be. She’s already hired doctors to monitor her. and I trust her. But ObiWan…he’s in battle. I see him in danger… dying. I can’t shake it.”

Palpatine: I see. It is natural to be concerned for your friends, but perhaps… these visions are a reflection of something larger. He might have been led astray perhaps. Sent to his doom by the Jedi. It's warning you of how the Jedi have lost their way, sending their master negotiator to a war.

Anakin: Perhaps. I know I mentioned my faith was shaken, but ObiWan is on the council too and he fights to improve the galaxy. He doesn’t deserve this.”

Palpatine: Perhaps. But how much longer before the Jedi as a whole turn on themselves? They are too narrowminded and have grown paranoid. I fear they may seek to overthrow me, to control the Republic.

Anakin: Maybe…but not ObiWan. He would never be part of something like that.”

#starwars #starwarswhatif #anakin

posted by r1ju2n1yr