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What is the Gait Cycle? How do we link it from the foot to the shoulder?

John Gibbons
John Gibbons is a registered Osteopath, Lecturer and Multipublished Author and in this video, he is discussing the gait and walking cycle and the association to the myofascial slings and the pelvis as taken from his vital glutes & psoas online course..

In The Vital Glutes & Psoas Masterclass osteopath, author and respected bodywork specialist John Gibbons looks at two of the most neglected areas of the body: the gluteal & psoas muscles. During the online course he will take you on a fascinating journey of enlightenment, teaching you to recognise pain and dysfunctional patterns that can arise from dysfunctions found within the gluteal & psoas muscles

John will teach you functional anatomy and the biomechanics of the kinetic chain and the link to the gluteal & psoas muscles and how they relate to pain and dysfunction to distant sites of the body. Once that has been understood, he takes you on a fascinating journey to functionally assess the firing patterns of the Gmax and Gmed as well as specific muscle length tests that can alter the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine with the psoas naturally being one of them.

Here is the link for further information:

Why are the glutes potentially causing pain and dysfunction to distant sites of the body?

How does the gait pattern contribute to pain and dysfunction?

How can the application of glutealpsoasspecific Muscle Energy Techniques aid fullbody wellbeing?

All these questions plus more are answered during this course

Key areas covered:

Case Study to link the pelvis to the shoulder
Tonic vs Phasic muscles / Outer Core Unit / Myofascial Slings
The Gait Cycle & its relationship to upper and lower extremity
Functional anatomy of the Gmax, Gmed and Iliopsoas muscles
Spinal Mechanics of the Pelvis and Lumbar spine
Force and Form Closure
Causes of MissFiring Gmax and Gmed
Disc pathology of L4, L5 and S1 nerve root pathology
Malalignment syndrome of the pelvic girdle
Gmax & Gmed and their relationship to lower/upper limb pain
Case study –Gmed and the link to the opposite QL muscle
How the hip joint relates to the glutealpsoas musculature and back and knee pain
Pelvis muscle length tests: psoas, rectus femoris, addcutors, TFL
Treatment of the hypertonic muscles using specific modalities of MET
Demonstration of Muscle firing patterns for Gmax and Gmed
Gmax & Gmed and their relationship to lower/upper limb pain
Muscle weakness testing
Neurological screening – lower limb
Specific Gmax and Gmed exercises

John also hosts Certified & accredited online courses and these are accessible from your own home. Click the link below for further information and use BMM10 at checkout for a discount!

1. Shoulder Complex
2. Vital Nerves
3. Cervical Spine
4. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar
5. KTaping Techniques
6. Muscle Energy Techniques
7. Glutes & Psoas

In terms of his offer courses he offers, you can attend one at a time if you prefer or book all ten and receive a discount. Once you have completed all the courses you will be able to call yourself a Bodymaster Method ® Practitioner and be registered on his website with the letters 'BmP' after your name.

John is the Author of the highly successful book and Amazon No 1 best seller called 'Muscle Energy Techniques, a practical guide for physical therapists'. John has also written many more books and these include:

1. A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping and comes with a complimentary DVD.
2. The Vital Glutes, connecting the gait cycle to pain and dysfunction
3. Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis, SI joint & lumbar spine
4. The Vital Shoulder Complex
5. 2nd Edition of Kinesiology Taping
6. The Vital Nerves
Courses available and all the dates are online

1. Spinal Manipulation & Mobilisation
2. Advanced Spinal Manipulation
3. Kinesiology Taping
4. Muscle Energy Techniques
5. The Vital Shoulder Complex
6. The Vital Cervical spine
7. The Vital hip & groin
8. The Vital Knee
9. Advanced Soft Tissue techniques
10. The Vital Neurological system
11. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar spine
12. The Vital Glutes & Psoas
13. Acupuncture & Dry needling

The Bodymaster Method ® Diploma is now recognised as a training provider and accredited with the STO Sports Therapy Organisation

posted by lalibreria2e