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What Is The Value Of My Work Injury?

Gaylord Popp, LLC

In this video Sam Gaylord, managing partner at Gaylord & Popp Attorneys at Law, explains How Much Your NJ Workers' Compensation Case Is Worth. When somebody gets hurt while in the course of their employment, by law they are entitled to receive three very important benefits.
1) They are entitled to receive medical treatment. The workers' comp insurance company provides for that.
2) They are entitled to receive temporary disability or what's called workers' compensation.
3) They are also entitled to receive an award for their injury.

Hi, you ever wonder what is the value of my work injury? If you have, join me and I'll provide you that valuable information. Hi, I'm Sam Gaylord, managing partner at Gaylord Popp disability litigator in the state of New Jersey representing injured workers in the areas of workers' compensation, social security, disability and disability pension appeals. And if you've ever wanted to know how this thing called workers' comp works in New Jersey and I'm here to give you sort of the pull back, the curtains view on how it all plays out. When somebody gets hurt while on the course of their employment by law, they're entitled to receive three very important benefits. They're entitled to receive medical treatment. Worker's comp insurance company provides for that. They're also entitled to receive temporary disability or what's called workers' compensation, and then they're entitled to receive an award for their injury. And what I thought I would do today is give you a nice explanation in terms of how that actually gets calculated and figured and the values of those particular injuries.

One of the things that New Jersey worker's compensation does not provide or things like that. Pain, suffering, lost wages. Those are things that are not included as part of your particular injury. So let's talk about the things that are included. What's included in an injury is first of all, the injury itself. What's the body part? What was the injury? Was there surgery? Was there injections? Was there an MRI? Different kinds of medical treatment to determine what the eventual result is going to be. Also, how did that particular injury affect someone's ability to work? How long were they out of work? Also, what kind of effect has that injury had on things that are outside of work, that is social activities, different things that you used to do. I used to bowl, now I can't, I used to fish, now I can't. Things of that nature have a role in eventually calculating the value of a workers' compensation case. So once you've completed your medical care, which would then happen is all of the medical records are gathered. The petitioner's attorney like myself would then have you evaluated by a doctor. We'll write a report [and] indicate what they believe they're percentage of disability to be. The insurance company is going to do the exact same thing. They're going to send you to one of their doctors who will write a report. Now, typically the doctors that we have people evaluate, they have their percentage of disability appear, the worker's comp insurance company down here, and that's sort of typical and there's usually a wide gap between those two numbers, but that's okay. We'll get to that a little bit. So how do we go about calculating [this] thing called worker's compensation? Well, let me show you, I'm going to share my screen here and I'm going to pull up a worker's compensation chart.

So that is what we're looking at. This is the schedule of disabilities for the year of 2017 so the first thing that you do is you go actually to the bottom of this particular chart. When we look at down here, some very important thing first, the maximum. Now what that means is, is that if you make $2,000 a week, New Jersey worker's compensation pays 70% of your gross weekly wage. If you're out of work, it's also the maximum dollar per week that you can get when you get hurt and you receive your award. However, okay, if in the year of 2017 you're making $2,000 a week, the maximum is eight 96 as a result, that is the most that New Jersey worker's comp. What happened? Hey you near [inaudible]. Oh, okay. Meat. The next number is the minimum. Now what that means is if you were only making $200 a week, but you had to be out of work, then the worker's compensation or the temporary disability benefit is going to be the minimum....

Now if you found this information helpful, I'd ask that you contact us at or you can email me directly at [email protected] or you can call the office at (609) 7718611 I hope you found this useful, and if you enjoyed this information, please share it with someone else. I look forward to speaking to you soon. Thanks!

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