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What's Outside The Universe?

Science Mirage

What could possibly be outside the universe? If you've ever pondered that question, you're not alone. People have imagined all sorts of things—dark matter, an infinite void, maybe even some strange cosmic goo. But what if none of that is right? What if, beyond everything we know, the reality is something we can't even begin to understand? It’s a thought that can make your brain hurt a little, right? We’re about to dive into theories that will bend your mind—without giving too much away, of course.

So, where do we even begin? Well, think about this: we’ve only seen about 4% of our universe, and the rest is a mystery. Yet, here we are, trying to figure out what’s beyond the edges of that 4%. Is there even an "outside" to speak of, or is it like trying to walk off the edge of a neverending treadmill? Some scientists think our universe might just be one of many, existing in a multiverse. Others propose that the very question might not make sense in the way we understand it. Confused yet? You will be, and that's the fun part.

And get this—some of the theories we’re talking about are straightup stranger than any science fiction movie you've ever seen. Cosmic inflation, quantum mechanics, and string theory come together to suggest that our universe could be just a tiny bubble in a massive sea of universes. But hold on—if that’s true, could we ever visit these other universes? What would the laws of physics even look like there? Spoiler alert: it's probably weirder than you think.

Now, before you start packing your bags for a multiverse road trip, we’ve got some mindblowing ideas to toss around first. These aren't just your runofthemill concepts. We're talking about alternate dimensions, endless cosmic expanses, and realities that might make ours look like a tiny speck of dust. So, if you think you know what’s outside the universe, get ready to question everything. You might leave this video with more questions than answers, but hey, isn’t that the best part of curiosity?

posted by kamareoo