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When Is Back Pain An Emergency? | What Is Cauda Equina Syndrome?

Back In Shape Program

When Is Back Pain An Emergency? | What Is Cauda Equina Syndrome?

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When is back pain an emergency? When should you go to hospital for back pain? Going to hospital for back pain is necessary in certain circumstances, although most cases of back pain are non lifethreatening, there are some cases where it is necessary so it's worthwhile learning the symptoms of cauda equina or cauda equina syndrome. In this video we explain the symptoms of cauda equina syndrome, and when you should be going to hospital for back pain.

if you've seen a lot of our videos on
back pain neck pain etc you know we
really want to try and help you guys at
home and if need be even come to the
clinic and we can help you here too but
one of the questions that we've had more
recently is what about those severe
cases of back pain where you need to get
straight into a knee
how can you help people identify the
more sinister causes of back pain and
basically hopefully help them avoid some
rather serious and unpleasant
consequences one of the conditions that
people suffer with is cauda equina now I
must stress these sorts of red flag
conditions serious conditions that are
medical emergencies are very very rare
but knowing about the conditions can
be really really helpful for you if you
know someone or yourself is suffering
with these these sorts of problems and
we'll cover cauda equina as it is the
most common one what the cauda equina
are or is is a collection of nerves that
come out and really they form the spinal
cord in its extension down into the
lumbar spine
it starts from approximately here in the
lower back and you actually don't have
the spinal cord here instead it is the
cauda equina and they descend through
the spinal canal and then go out at
various points to go down the legs etc
Cauda Equina syndrome is when you have
an injury to the lower back and it
presses directly on the spinal cord here
or on the cauda equina as it would be in
the lower back that could cause a range
of symptoms and some of those symptoms
can include sharp painful lower back
pain but also symptoms that extend down
into the legs
bilateral radiations you would call them
that go down partway or all the
way down into the feet and that's also a
good sign that there's something a bit
more sinister going on affecting you
centrally on the spinal cord
rather than peripherally on one of these
nerves like with sciatica very different
the other thing you can experience this
saddle anesthesia so the area of your
body that would be in contact with a
saddle if you're riding a horse becomes
known you can't feel it properly this
undercarriage area here the final thing
to watch out for is bowel and bladder
incontinence the inability to control
when you're going to the bathroom if you
have a couple of these or one of these
accompanied by back pain or with
former that set this off please please
please waste no time and go to A&E
you'll know if it's if it's fits these
symptoms because it's very very obvious
when you do have it and be very specific
with what you're saying to the people
that you see or on behalf of a friend or
family member that you're with when you
get to the hospital as to exactly what
you are experiencing because it is
classified as medical emergency although
I do say go straight any if you are
unsure about it and you don't feel
confident with going to any you feel
like you're going to be dismissed or
have been dismissed in the past please
feel free to reach out to us we'll do
what we can to help you remember you at
least give you clarify exactly what's
going on what we think is going on if it
is in fact cauda equina and maybe we can
help you get the care you need if you're
not in London


posted by algoritmaky