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Why Do Stock Markets Crash? A Quick History of All Market Crashes - 1929 1987 2008 u0026 2020

Danny Seeum

This video analyzes the stock market crashes of 1929, 1987, 2008, and 2020, why stock markets crash in the first place, and answers 6 additional questions people usually ask about the history of stock market crashes; especially the recent economic collapse and financial crisis during the Coronavirus pandemic. These questions include:

1. Why do stock markets crash and what causes them?
2. When do stock market crashes typically happen?
3. When & where was the first market crash in history?
4. When were the biggest stock market crashes in U.S. history?
5. Why do stock market crashes have such a strong effect on the economy?
6. Are we currently experiencing a stock market crash during the Coronavirus pandemic?
7. How will things look after the dust settles?

Shameless Plug:
If you're thinking about starting a business, I run a software company called Projection Genie that helps aspiring entrepreneurs simulate and predict the financial success of new business ideas before launching them. Check it out here:

posted by Walimiowih3