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Why Landlords Lose in Eviction Court

The Apartment Dealer

Today I Interview Eviction Attorney Dennis Block With Respect to the Eviction Process Under the New Rent Control Law

Imagine this scenario...4 years from now you are subpoenaed and brought to court in a civil lawsuit because 2,3, or even 4 years prior you miscalculated a rental increase under the new Rent Control bill.

What if you were only off by 1/2%? What if you calculated based on the wrong CPI index, or failed to roll back rents because you, or even your legal advisor misinterpreted the law?

One thing is for sure, this new rent control bill is ambiguous and unclear. So today I sit down and interview Dennis Block, Eviction Attorney extraordinaire. Dennis has been involved in more than 200,000 eviction cases and looks to shed light on:
• How to Follow the new Rent Control bill to the letter of the law
• The Eviction Process in light of Rent Control
• Common Mistakes Landlords Make & Why They Lose Evictions
• Penalties for Landlords Under the New Rent Control Law
• Late Fee Guidelines (Chances Are Your Rental Agreement is Illegal)

WATCH NOW and be proactive before the tenants bring the fight to you!


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posted by veros2j